Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Get Help Now
Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline:
- 24/7 Confidential Call: 1-833-900-1010
Defining Human Trafficking
Human trafficking (sex, labour, and organ trafficking) involves recruiting, transporting, harbouring, or receiving a person, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of exploitation. In the case of minors, any commercial sex act is trafficking, regardless of whether force, fraud, or coercion is involved. Exploitation can occur without trafficking.
At Covenant House Vancouver
Covenant House Vancouver is engaged in a 32-month project that will develop and implement intervention practices that will advance knowledge and enhance empowerment supports for youth age 16 to 24, who are at risk of, or are survivors of, exploitation and human trafficking, in Vancouver.
Our goal is to strengthen our work and our communities through learning and capacity building. We encourage you to join us in learning through the toolkit Pivoting Practice: Building Capacity to Serve Youth Impacted by Trafficking.
Pivoting Practice: Building Capacity to Serve Youth Impacted by Trafficking
Pivoting Practice: Building Capacity to Serve Youth Impacted by Trafficking was developed as an anti-human trafficking toolkit to support CHV staff and partner organizations in serving youth at risk of, currently experiencing, or those who have survived human trafficking and/or exploitation.
The toolkit is intended to be used in learning about human trafficking and evidence-based best practices for supporting youth within the current Canadian landscape. The intended audience is service providers in youth-serving organizations, including CHV and partners.
Please fill out the following information to obtain FREE access to Pivoting Practice: Building Capacity to Serve Youth Impacted by Trafficking, so we can determine the reach and impact of this Anti-Human Trafficking Toolkit.
© 2024 Covenant House Vancouver. All rights reserved. This Toolkit is protected by copyright law. For inquiries, please contact
If you would like further information, have questions, or would like to book a training, please contact Chelsea Minhas at
This toolkit was developed during a 3-year project that was supported by Women and Gender Equality Canada. The project aimed to increase CHV’s capacity to identify, understand, and support youth impacted by human trafficking and/or exploitation. This project and the development of the toolkit included a literature review and consultation with survivors, anti-human trafficking organizations, and organizations that serve youth across North America.
This project has been funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.
Learn with us
- What is Human Trafficking?: Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
- Online Training: Human Trafficking: Canada Is Not Immune, 2nd Edition (2014)
- Labour and Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth: Covenant House International
- Labour Exploitation & Trafficking Information: Migrant Workers Centre
This project has been funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.