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Drop-In Centre

Our Outreach team is often the critical first step in connecting with young people who are living on the streets, are precariously housed, or are new to the Lower Mainland.

Drop-In Centre

At the Drop-In Centre, youth workers, social workers and housing support workers provide an array of as-needed services to young people, age 16 to 24. See our Drop-In Centre schedule below.

At our Drop-In Centre, youth receive:

  • connections to youth workers for support, counselling, and personal planning
  • access to an in-house addictions counsellor and programs focused on support and recovery
  • appointments with mental health clinicians and psychiatrists
  • help from a housing support worker and independent living start-up kits
  • referrals to other social services
  • help with finding employment and referrals to job centres and training programs
  • recreational opportunities including yoga, soccer, hockey, basketball and baseball
  • food, clothing and hygiene supplies
  • use of our message board, long-distance phone plan, and mailing address
  • access to shower and laundry facilities

Drop-In Schedule

The Drop-In Centre is open seven days a week to support youth in need.

Drop-In Centre hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 9am–6pm
  • Friday to Sunday: 9am–7:30pm