Celebrating International Mentoring Day at CHV

International Mentorship Day occurs every year on January 17. It’s a day to celebrate all the amazing work that mentors do. Mentors provide guidance and support, they provide knowledge and experiences, and they inspire and empower. It’s a time to share stories, best practices, and it’s a time to encourage others to become mentors.

Recently, the Mentorship Program at Covenant House Vancouver (CHV) celebrated its ninth anniversary. For youth who are interested, the Mentorship Program connects an adult from the community to a youth at CHV, to help them achieve their goals, whatever they may be.

“The impact that mentoring has had on youth every year, since the program started, always amazes me. The program is designed to be youth led. I provide youth with an overview of the program and make suggestions, but ultimately the young person decides where and how they would like the support. I then decide which mentor would be the best fit for the youth. I feel that this is one of the reasons for the program’s success.” Lisa Mendes, Mentorship Coordinator at CHV

The young people at CHV often know what they need. Sometimes, they just need to feel empowered to make the best decisions for themselves. Lisa noted that when youth feel empowered to make these decisions, she sees them develop long-lasting, life-changing relationships with their mentors, that not only impact the young person’s life in a positive and productive way, but the mentor’s life as well.

Mentoring at CHV has provided the youth we serve with safe, healthy, caring, adult role models that may not have previously been a part of a young person’s life. The results and impact of the mentor-mentee relationships have included: young people obtaining their dream jobs; youth having someone to share their life goals and aspirations with that will support and encourage them; mentors introducing a young person to post-secondary education or encouraging them to stay with their schooling; and having someone to show you how to get around a big city, when you are a new refugee.

“The stories are endless and inspiring. Every year, I love to see past mentees return and share stories of how their mentor has impacted them. It’s incredible how many young people maintain the mentor-mentee relationship, long after they have moved out. I feel grateful to see firsthand how mentorships change lives.” Lisa Mendes