Making Heartfelt Holiday Gifts

The youth in Covenant House Vancouver’s Crisis Program got into the spirit of the season by participating in three special drop-in holiday gift-making sessions. Whether they made something for themselves or to give to a loved one, the youth learned how to make gifts that come from their creativity and their hearts.

Life Skills Coordinator, Desiree, held the gift-making drop-in sessions last year for the first time. It was so successful that she planned more fun-filled sessions this year so youth could make delicious-tasting and -smelling DIY gifts, this holiday season.

 “The youth are some of the most generous people you will ever meet, but it can be really challenging during the holidays to balance the desire to show their love and appreciation for others through the act of gift giving, with their financial situation and the position they’re in, as they currently experience homelessness. I want them to feel that they’re able to give to themselves or their loved ones without a financial burden attached.” Desiree

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of the week before Christmas, youth in the Crisis Program could drop in to Covenant House, make lovely handmade gifts for the holidays, and have some fun.

Monday: Tea Making

On Monday, the youth created their own special tea blends. Desiree supplied them with a variety of ingredients, from a rooibos tea base to chamomile or peppermint leaves, with accents like cacao, coconut, dried pineapple, and freeze-dried strawberries, so they could create a unique tea blend. Youth put their blends into tea sachets and packed them into hand-labelled, small containers.

Desiree provided cups and a kettle so the teamakers could sample their teas and chat in a friendly, relaxing atmosphere.

Tuesday: Soap Making

On Tuesday, the youth had some good clean fun making soap.  Desiree supplied them with all the ingredients they needed including a variety of mica powders to colour the soap, and molds to create a variety of shapes.

Wednesday: Hot Chocolate Making

On Wednesday, another delicious day was planned for the youth to make mason jar hot chocolate. All the ingredients were provided, such as cocoa powder and dried milk, and youth could decorate their mason jar hot chocolate with chocolate chips and candy canes for a festive touch.

Desiree also had wrapping paper and gift bags on hand.

During these drop-in sessions, Desiree had conversations with the youth about life skills that are related to the holidays, such as planning finances, setting boundaries, regulating emotions, and coming up with self-care strategies to avoid being overwhelmed by the holidays. Desiree is always looking for ways to support youth through self-care and wellness and to help them learn life skills in a way that’s empowering and fun.

“It’s a time of year that can be particularly challenging for the youth at Covenant House. We really try to create an environment for them that fills them with the joy, hope, and caring of the holiday season. Whether it’s making a bar of soap or a mason jar of hot chocolate, it’s the little things that add up to create a season filled with the holiday joy that we all deserve,” Desiree says.

Find the little things that bring you joy this holiday season.