It Takes a Community, and We Thank You!

The phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” comes from an African proverb. It essentially means that it takes a diverse community of people to provide an environment where a young person can feel safe, flourish, and realize their dreams.

Covenant House Vancouver is extremely grateful for all of the donors, organizations, and individuals who understand that it is important to support all youth in the community, because a community won’t thrive unless everyone in that community is thriving.

Today, we want to give a huge shout-out to gifts-in-kind donor organizations. From gift certificates, food vouchers, and art supplies to donations of pyjamas, assorted clothing, and shoes, these organizations have made a huge difference in the lives of vulnerable youth in the community.

Today’s shout-out goes to:

Many of these organizations have been supporting Covenant House Vancouver (CHV) for several years. The impact that their kindness has had on the youth we serve is heartwarming.

Here are a few reasons as to why an organization might donate to CHV:

“At RIDE CYCLE CLUB, we’re all about community and giving back within our local neighbourhoods. We pride ourselves on being leaders in our community and supporting in any way we can. It’s a fundamental pillar within our company and our team. Covenant House Vancouver does amazing work and has a long-standing history of great work within our local Vancouver community. It was important to us to work with an established organization in our community and to give back locally.”


“We chose Covenant House because of their commitment to helping youth experiencing homelessness. We feel good knowing that our donations can directly impact youth in need, in an immediate way.”

– Zumiez

“We have been supporting Covenant House Vancouver for over five years. Levi’s originally chose Covenant House Vancouver because our location’s community focus was based on supporting youth and young adults, and that is what you guys specialize in! Giving back has made a HUGE impact within our team, as it has really brought out a different side of them. Their engagement and community views have totally shifted, and they are so passionate. They come to me with community initiative ideas now instead of only the other way around.”

– Levi’s

Supporting local charities is a great way to create strong bonds within the community that will benefit all, in the long run. Being a voice for those who aren’t heard or necessarily seen is vital in creating a safe and supportive community for all.

If you are considering CHV as a charity that you’d like to work with, here is what Levi’s has to say about working with us:

“Organizations should consider donating to/working with Covenant House, as not only are they focused on such an important mission, they have such an amazing and passionate staff, which makes any process and donation that much easier. It has been a pleasure to contribute to them, as the work is making a real and tangible difference in the community, and they are very transparent with what the donations will be used for, which also makes you feel more connected to the youth you are helping.”

It truly takes a village and we are so grateful for the support from these organizations!

If you would like to learn more about donating to CHV, visit our gifts-in-kind donation page.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering at CHV, visit our volunteer page.

Thank you, for your support, from all of us at Covenant House Vancouver!