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Celebrating Social Work week

Social workers make a real difference in the lives of people, families, and communities across the country. The provincial government has declared March 19–25, 2023, Social Work Week in British Columbia.

Social workers extend across a variety of industries. Broadly speaking, social workers promote the care and wellbeing of individual clients, families, organizations, and communities, truly making a real difference in the lives of the people, families, and communities they serve.

Every young person who comes to Covenant House Vancouver has the opportunity to receive one-to-one support from a Registered Social Worker to help them achieve their goals. Our Social Workers seek to focus and build upon the unique gifts and strengths that our young people possess and this may include:

  • Assessments of over-all health (mental, physical and spiritual)
  • Creation and implementation of weekly case plans
  • Short- and long-term goal setting
  • Referrals to and coordination of specialized services like psychiatrists and other medical professionals

We want to honor and celebrate the contributions our Social Workers have made to the well-being and safety of our youth. They have one of the most challenging jobs in supporting and protecting vulnerable youth and ensuring that they have access to the services that they need. Thank you for the incredible work they do with our youth every day – you are absolutely essential!