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How we help: Human Trafficking

Human trafficking (sex, labour, and organ trafficking) involves recruiting, transporting, harbouring, or receiving a person, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of exploitation. In the case of minors, any commercial sex act is trafficking, regardless of whether force, fraud, or coercion is involved. It’s important to note that exploitation can occur without trafficking.

Covenant House Vancouver is engaged in a 32-month project that will develop and implement intervention practices that will advance knowledge and enhance empowerment supports for youth aged 16 to 24, who are at risk of, or are survivors of, exploitation and human trafficking, in Vancouver.

This will be achieved by researching, drafting, distributing and evaluating a practice guide, tool kit, and training model, to support frontline staff and community partners, which will provide empowerment supports for trafficked youth.

At the end of the project, CHV will have strengthened policies and practices with respect to human trafficking and the exploitation of youth. CHV staff will be fully trained and supported to implement best practices. The tool kit generated by the project will be shared at a training session for community partners. The project will include an external evaluation that will look at the success and scalability of the promising practices.

You can learn more or get help here.