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Rowing for a Hope-Filled Future

We hope that you enjoyed your holidays!

While many celebrated indoors, with loved ones, some celebrated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Over the holidays, team In Deep Ship reached the halfway point in their ambitious row across the Atlantic. The team of four have been at sea for over three weeks now.

We would like to congratulate the team on this milestone!

Not only is In Deep Ship rowing for the amazing experience in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, but they are fundraising for CHV and two other charities.

Here is some fun trivia that the team shared:

  • They have consumed over 350,000 calories
  • They have consumed over 420 litres of water
  • They have used over 840 sheets of TP
  • They have approximately 1,500 nautical miles to go

Learn more about these amazing people, their boat, their fundraising efforts, and their challenge here. We wish them the best of luck over the following weeks!