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Jace felt comfortable enough to let his guard down and rest

When I first joined Covenant House Vancouver as a Youth Worker at our Drop-In Centre, I quickly picked up on the everyday tasks that came with the position, however, it took me some time to realize how big of an impact these tasks had on the lives of the youth we serve.

When I first met *Jace, he was always polite but kept to himself. He had a routine of coming into Drop-In, grabbing food, and taking a nap on one of our comfy chairs.

One afternoon, I noticed that he was especially tired, so I decided to approach him. I asked him if he was doing alright and if there was anything we could do to support him. He shared that he was currently staying outside and did not feel safe sleeping there at night, which is why he looked so tired.

I expected the conversation to end there but was surprised by the sincere gratitude that came shortly after.

This youth explained that Covenant House was the only place he felt safe and welcomed. He repeatedly thanked all the CSS staff for checking in on him and creating a place where he felt comfortable enough to let his guard down and rest.

He knew he could come to CSS to get all his basic needs met. Jace started leaving but quickly turned around and said “really, thank you for all you do” then left without another word.

Shared by Youth Worker at our Drop-In Centre.

*Name has been changed to respect young person’s privacy