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Gifts in Kindness

Fall is an interesting time of year. Stores fill with holiday decorations, people reminisce, and shoppers begin to buy gifts for loved ones. Fall also brings with it shorter daylight hours, the cold, and for some, seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Fall is also the advent of many celebrations, holidays, and days marked to raise awareness. What ties all these elements together can be summed up in one word—kindness.

Kindness can be expressed with a smile, a kind word or support for individuals and communities who have been marginalized or experienced trauma. Kindness can also be expressed through giving. Whether it be through the gift of time, donating monetarily, or donating items, kindness drives positive change.

We, at Covenant House Vancouver, are extremely grateful for the kindness we receive from the community at large. Your kindness supports youth who are overcoming homelessness and taking charge of their lives. As CHV gears up for the holiday season, we would like to help our youth gear up as well—literally.

An Opportunity for Kindness

Our Christmas Backpack Program is underway! We will be giving out 320 backpacks filled with essentials to youth, this holiday season. Check out the details here to find out different ways that you can help a youth receive essentials.

We want to make it as easy as possible for people to donate. We receive amazing support from communities in the Fraser Valley, so this year, we have been fortunate in securing a drop-off location in Abbotsford!

Mark this date on your calendar! Thursday, November 25th, we will be in the Community Room at the Highstreet Mall in Abbotsford to receive donations. Some of the most needed items for youth include clothing, toiletries, and backpacks. Help fill a backpack with kindness, for youth age 16–24, this holiday season. And remember to take some time to be kind to yourself.