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January 30 is Thank Your Mentor Day!

Our Mentorship Program gives youth the opportunity to develop healthy and trusting one-to-one relationships with responsible adults. Mentors are adult role-models that commit to supporting a young person to achieve their goals over the course of one year.

In honour of Thank Your Mentor Day we invited youth mentees to share why they appreciate having a mentor.

“I am so thankful for my amazing mentor. She tells me that I have great values and many talents.”

“My mentor always has something insightful to say about career prospects. Through mentorship I can learn about a career outside of school. It is one of the great services CHV offers, helping to connect youth with our community.”

“My mentor always reminds me of my potential.”

“I am so thankful for my amazing mentor. She shows me support every time I talk to her. Her support makes me feel more confident when I am making my own decisions.”