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Local Space has teamed up with us to bring joy to youth this Christmas!

For many, the holiday season sparks joy and an anticipation of times with loved ones, sweet treats and yummy meals, and gifts under the tree. But, for others in our community it can be lonely, sad, and traumatizing. Homeless, at-risk, and trafficked youth are often amongst those forgotten during the holiday season.

Many community organizations including Covenant House Vancouver depend on donations to bring the magic of the holiday season to those we serve. Because of the current pandemic, we are in a unique year and it will make it that much more challenging. We work hard to make the holidays special for youth including a daily advent calendar, a Christmas Backpack for each youth, Christmas morning gifts, and stockings. 

We have partnered with our friends at the Local Space to make it easy to add on a donation to your in person or online orders. This holiday season you will be able to purchase a $10 or $20 gift box, or make a monetary donation, that will go towards the purchase of items that will bring joy to a young person in the community. 

View the boxes and learn more about our partnership with Local Space.

Thank you for your support, kindness and generosity towards homeless, at-risk, and trafficked youth this Christmas.

Local Space Gift Box Items