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The Homeless Hub provides a wealth of information

The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH) is the largest national research institute devoted to homelessness in Canada. The COH is the steward of the Homeless Hub, which is a web-based research library and information centre.

The Homeless Hub provides a wealth of information, studies and education opportunities for communities, educators and professionals. Almost weekly we discover an article or study that is helpful for our team.

Here are a few recent articles we found fascinating:

Youth-Serving Sector Speaks Out on the Impacts of COVID-19 and Hopes for the Future by Amanda Buchnea

Preventing Youth Homelessness in the Canadian Education System: Young People Speak Out by Jayne Malenfant, Kaitlin Schwan, David French, Stephen Gaetz, and Melanie Redman

Responding to Youth Homelessness during COVID-19 and Beyond by Amanda Buchnea and Mary-Jane McKitterick