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Activity table for youth in our Crisis Program

The female-identified Crisis Program has a table set up where staff and youth can pick out activities that youth can do independently and social distance properly. There are colouring books, beads to make jewelry, puzzles, crafts, headphones and snacks.

We also received a number of laptops so that if youth want to use the internet in their rooms they can. If a youth has to self-isolate, they have the Youth Worker and Team Leader numbers and can text or call if they need support.

Some youth are also passing the time playing online games with friends and others have been loving board games. An incredible donor also provided us with the funds to buy a treadmill and an elliptical machine so that youth can be physically active when staying indoors.

In this time of physical distancing, our teams have worked hard to find creative ways to adapt our programs.

We are proud of our youth and staff for helping to continue to flatten the curve!