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Fresh Direct Produce makes our frontline staff’s day!

Covenant House Vancouver is very lucky to have community partners, companies, families, and individuals that donate food, needed items and clothing for our youth. Throughout the COVID-19 health emergency we have not seen this diminish in fact more than ever people want to help and give back. We are so grateful to everyone for the outpouring of support.

Every so often we have donors and supporters that want to give thanks to our frontline staff. They want to show appreciation for all the hard work our Youth Workers, Social Workers, Cooks and Cleaners do every single day to care for youth.

Fresh Direct Produce reached out with a very generous offer, they wanted to provide 100 boxes of healthy produce for our dedicated frontline staff. The boxes included broccoli, cucumbers, oranges, berries and so much more.

One Youth Worker shared, “These produce boxes are AMAZING. I would’ve never imagined they would be so jacked. Thank you so much. Like a whole cantaloupe…I love cantaloupe. Too much to list! There are strawberries hiding in there too! And a full bag of carrots.

I think it is very safe to say these boxes were truly appreciated.

Thank you so much Fresh Direct Produce!

Thank you Fresh Direct Produce!