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Photo Journal: A Quiet Walk Outdoors

In this time of self-isolation, we’ve definitely had to find creative ways to adapt our normal programs and to limit the comings and goings for everyone in our buildings – including the youth living in our Crisis Programs and our Rights of Passage Program. That being said though, we know it’s still important to get some fresh air every once in a while. So, we schedule occasional walks (with proper social distancing, of course) for the young people to stretch their legs a bit and enjoy a change of scenery.

On one of those recent walks, Lesley (a youth worker from our Crisis Program) captured the photos below, creating a short photo journal. They’re a great reminder of how, even in strange times, you can find reasons to be grateful. The little things – a mother goose and her babies, a sunset-kissed sky, or a quiet city skyline – can absolutely make your day a little bit brighter.

Check out Lesley’s photo journal below:

out on a walk with the youth and seeing some Canadian geese

During our walk, we saw some Canadian Geese: a few parents and their babies.

sunset by the water. captured in this short photo journal

We also took some time to sit along the seawall and just enjoy the setting sun.

Photo journal: capturing parked boats along the shore while out for a walk

We breathed in the fresh air, and walked alongside the water. It was a beautiful day, and even something you’d normally take for granted, like seeing the boats parked along the shore, was such a joy.