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We continue to adapt and change our services to best meet the needs of young people

Our Registered Social Workers and Registered Clinical Counsellors have adapted how they work to best support youth in these unprecedented times. Our Case Management Team is comprised of both Social Workers and Clinical Counselors.

Social Workers provide youth-focused, coordinated, and integrated support to youth using a trauma informed approach. A large part of their work has been to support both youth directly and the frontline youth workers who are serving and caring for youth onsite during this health emergency. In addition to this, they are busy learning the new ways their community partners and resources are operating during this time, working to ensure that continued access to services is as seamless as possible.

Our Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC) continue to provide one to one counselling to their clients, using the technology available to them to offer counselling virtually when appropriate. Many of the youth have expressed appreciation that their sessions with their counsellor can continue in some format. Our RCC’s are also providing teams with mindfulness and mental health resources which are very helpful right now, both for youth and staff. In addition, they are exploring the possibility and logistics of continuing with Art Therapy Groups in a social-distancing, COVID-19 compliant environment. We are excited about what this might look like for the youth in our programs who have come to appreciate the open art studios provided each week by our Art Therapists.

As we move forward, Social Workers and Registered Clinical Counsellors are considering and having conversations about how their work might look if this pandemic goes on for a longer period of time. CHV and our amazing staff will continue moving forward with new ways of providing services and will continue to adapt to best meet the needs of young people.