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An update regarding our Drop-In Centre

To protect the health and safety of our youth, staff, and greater community we must close our Drop-In Centre (our non-residential program) until further notice.

Our youth will still be able to receive the services they normally would in our Drop-In Centre, just in different ways. We realize that this will be a change for youth who access our Drop-In, but our Youth Workers and Outreach Workers are dedicated to doing all they can to provide support and care during these challenging times.

Our Front Reception and Outreach Teams will provide:

  • Individually wrapped “take away” food
  • Necessities such as clothing, socks and hygiene supplies
  • Our Outreach Team can and will bring food packages and essentials to youth where they are
  • Our Outreach Team is reaching out to youth by email and phone calls to let them know how we can help them during this time

Because our Drop-In Centre serves food, we are following the same protocols as restaurants and not allowing people to congregate. This will reduce the risk of transmitting the Virus between youth and staff.

Our residential programs (Crisis and Rights of Passage) are still running and we are grateful to our frontline staff who are working with dedication, skill and heart. Ensuring that the young people who depend upon us whether at the front door, in their residence or within our walls are well cared for.

It is our privilege to serve youth and our community and we will continue to do so in the safest ways possible.

*Drop-In now open as of June 2020*