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Big thanks to the Blue Goose British Columbia Pond!

The Blue Goose British Columbia Pond held a Month of Caring in February and members completed 207 hours of volunteer work and raised funds for Covenant House Vancouver.

We were the lucky recipient of their “Period Poverty” fundraiser. The group discovered in a 2018 study that 1/3 of menstruators under the age of 25 could not afford hygiene products. The Blue Goose members or ganders as they are called wanted to help end period poverty and stigma around this topic.

The group collected six large bags of feminine hygiene products for the young women who access our programs and donated $650.00! They recently visited us to drop off the donations and learned about our new building and the services provided here.

Big thanks to the Blue Goose British Columbia Pond!

Period Poverty Fundraiser
Blue Goose Visit at CHV