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This Pink Shirt Day, and every day, let’s Lift Each Other Up!

Pink Shirt Day was created when two Nova Scotia high school students supported a fellow student that was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt by also wearing pink (read the full story here). From that moment of solidarity, Pink Shirt Day was born and it allows all people to stand up to bullies everywhere by wearing pink.  

The theme for this year’s Pink Shirt Day is “Lift each other up”; a simple but powerful message encouraging us to look beyond our differences and celebrate the things that make us unique. When we lift each other up, we see past the things that separate us and see instead the things that unite us as people.

For every like, comment, and share of the #LiftEachOtherUp🚀 Donation Posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter this February 26, Swoop will donate $1* to support anti-bullying programs in partnership with CKNW Kids’ Fund.