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Henry Anderson Elementary makes big impact with “Be the Change” fundraiser!

Henry Anderson Elementary raised $1,229.35 for Covenant House Vancouver. Students created posters and advertised their “Be the Change” fundraiser to raise money for youth experiencing homelessness by speaking with each class in the school and hanging posters around their school.

Students were encouraged to “Be the Change” by bringing change (money) to school. Everyday after lunch, student leaders would visit classrooms and collect any change students had brought. Students were encouraged to raise money through rewarding the winning class with an extra recess. Two classes received the award, as they both raise​d more than $100.00. In total, the students raised about $800.00 within a few weeks!

Additionally, they completed a two-day Candy Cane and Bake Sale. Some baked goods were made at home by students, but most baked goods were made after school by members of the Cooking Club and the Me to We Club. They sold regular cupcakes, mini-cupcakes, cookies, and a variety of candy canes in all different flavours. They raised about $400.00, after expenses from cooking ingredients and candy canes.

Big thanks to Henry Anderson Elementary for having such a positive impact on youth experiencing homelessness!