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Shoe-In Project raises $2165 for Covenant House Vancouver

CSL White Rock held a fundraiser at the White Rock Playhouse Theatre with singer Amy Bishop for Covenant House Vancouver. Funds from the event, together with money donated by patrons, came to $1665. The remaining $500 dollars came from a community grant through the Vancity Morgan Crossing’s branch. The grant is part of their Shared Success Program and is just one of the many ways Vancity supports not-for-profit organizations.

The Shoe-In project was originally started by Rev Nadene Rogers a few years ago in Calgary. She brought it to the Lower Mainland during her time as Interim Minister with CSL White Rock. “The physical need for shoes for these youth is obvious, but the psychological need is more subtle,” says Rev Nadene. “It’s about helping to build a foundation for them – building self-esteem to help them walk a little taller.” The emphasis is on ‘new’ shoes vs used shoes. Again, it all ties in to their self-esteem.

“As a non-profit dedicated to helping at-risk street youth, we see firsthand the need for new shoes for our youth who range in age from 16-24,” says Mark Savard, Covenant House Vancouver. “As winter approaches, the need for proper footwear becomes even more important.”

Big thanks to everyone who supported the Shoe-In Project!

Nancy Lee and Kathleen Butler, Board members for CSL White Rock, deliver over 30 pairs of shoes to Mark Savard, Development Officer at Covenant House Vancouver.