Until March 14th, every gift will be matched, to help us provide safety and hope for women, girls and gender diverse people.

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Legacy Gifts Matter

Each and every legacy gift we receive plays a vital role in vulnerable young people’s lives – from funding outreach to supporting shelter programming – the impact on them is transformational. In the past financial year, Covenant House Vancouver has gratefully received legacy gifts from the following:

Mary Mclure
Estate of Geoffrey Eric Collins
Estate of Evelyn E. Edwards
Graham Field
Estate of Phyllis E. Halstead
Estate of Patricia Hamilton
Estate of Evelyn D. Harper
Kathryn Anne Holme
Estate of Evelyn (Lyn) R. Irving
Estate of Irene Kouwenhoven
Estate of Glen R. Kyle
Estate of Mary Grace McCaffrey
Estate of Vera Moroz
Estate of Mary R. Noren
Estate of Joan I. Parent
Estate of Beverly Joan Phillips
Estate of Georgina Fay Rea
Estate of Jennifer L. Rule
Estate of Barbara J. Saint
Estate of Sherill Sanderson
Estate of Martina (Tina) Van der Horn
5 Anonymous Estate Gifts

Legacy gifts help fund all our services for youth, from Street Outreach to Drop-In, to our short-term residential Crisis Program and our longer-term Rights of Passage transitional housing. With your help, these programs are changing the lives of so many of our community’s youth.

If you are considering including Covenant House Vancouver in your Will, we’d love to hear from you. For more information on how you can leave your legacy in our community, please contact Celia Campos at 604-630-1919 and ccampos@covenanthousebc.org