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Youth worker Darcie builds trust with Maya

It can take time before a young person is ready to stay with us long term. We need to build a trusting relationship and the youth needs to be ready to make a change. Youth Worker Darcie shares how our brief service helped her build a stronger relationship with Maya: 

Maya had a couple of shorts stays in our Crisis Program over the winter and is struggling with substance misuse and health issues. We tried our best to build a relationship with her and support her during her time with us. But she would stay only a short time and leave again to live with her boyfriend on the streets.  
When Maya is living on the streets, she will come in most nights during the early morning hours for brief service. We offer brief service during the overnight hours, we give out food, drinks and other needed items.  

I always have a positive interaction with her and enjoy our late-night visits. Maya knows she can come in for food, clothing and be in a friendly, non-judgmental environment. I will keep building a stronger and stronger relationship with her during brief service until she is ready to return to our Crisis Program.