May is LEAVE A LEGACY™ month and we wanted to share how
Jean Hurst’s legacy gift will help young people at Covenant House.
Jean Hurst spent part of her childhood in Europe. She was born in Prague and when she was seven, her family was forced to flee to France, where they lived for the next three and a half years, waiting for a visa to come to Canada. The swing in her Kitsilano garden, one of her “treats” to herself, reminds her of her time in Normandy.
“I recall Christmas 1956, after we had moved to Canada, my family ‘adopted’ a young man from Hungary who joined us for our holiday dinner. Even back then, my parents embodied the value of sharing and inclusivity, two things I still place a great deal of importance on. My experiences throughout my life have made me think about diversity, open-mindedness and equality. I strongly believe in the power of each individual to make our community a better place for all of us,” states Jean.
Wanting to ensure young people experiencing homelessness in our community feel love and respect and have their immediate needs met, Jean has decided to leave a gift in her will to Covenant House Vancouver. The type of legacy gift Jean included in her will is known as a “residual gift,” meaning Jean can continue to do the things she loves: spending time and sharing meals with friends, enjoying plays and concerts, volunteering and travelling, without worrying about her finances. Once all of Jean’s expenses, taxes and obligations are taken care of, the residue of her estate will be divided amongst charitable organizations, reducing the tax burden of her estate.
The other main type of bequest is known as a “specific bequest,” meaning a donor gives a stated gift of cash or property (such as stocks or real estate) to a charity. A financial professional can help you decide which type of bequest best fits your own estate plan.
“Many of us, including my family, start our lives over,” states Jean. “We all have it in us to give people the support that they need to make those life changes; my legacy gift will give others that support.”

For more information about Legacy Giving at Covenant House Vancouver, please contact:
Celia Campos
Development Officer, Planned Giving