Covenant House benefitted from some incredible work done by a group of young families at the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver. On April 7th twenty-four families including children ranging in age from toddlers to 8 years old gathered to put bags of blessings together – part of their Good Deeds Day.
About 60 people collected items to donate to Covenant House ranging from energy bars to hand warmers and boxer shorts. Adults and kids alike created an assembly line, putting together 80 individual bags of blessings for the youth in Covenant House’s care.
Some of the children created colourful cards to be included in each of the bags of blessings with messages of hope to the youth accessing Covenant House’s services.
For youth experiencing homelessness these bags of blessings provide crucial items that most of us take for granted. A heartfelt thanks to all the families who participated in the Good Deeds Day event and a special thank you to Shirly Berelowitz, the Director of Children, Youth and Camps at the Jewish Community Centre.