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An interview with our Pyjama Day sticker contest winner

Last year, we held a contest for students across the province to redesign our Pyjama Day sticker. And after receiving hundreds of incredible entries, we finally selected our winner!

Congratulations to Emma from Bayview Elementary for her beautiful drawing of a teddy bear holding a heart.

After presenting her with her prize, we spent some time chatting with Emma about the story behind her creation, and about why she chose to support Covenant House Vancouver:

How did you come up with the idea for your Pyjama Day drawing?

I thought of a teddy bear because lots of people sleep with them at night. The heart reminded me of my Aunty Ashley who recently passed away. Shortly after my Aunty’s death, my family saw heart shapes everywhere. It seemed like she was sending her love to all of us to help us feel better. 

Why do you think it’s important to help the young people at Covenant House?

It’s important to help the kids at Covenant House because they don’t have a home and need more help and support.

What’s your message to students and classes in other schools to inspire them to help Covenant House?

I think of all the things that I have in my life and feel sad that the kids at Covenant House don’t have the same things.

If you could say something to one of the youth at Covenant House, what would you say?

I would say, “Hi” and start a conversation because I wouldn’t want them to feel any different than me.

If you’re interested in hosting your own Pyjama Day and seeing Emma’s new sticker in action, reach out to Allison Briggs ( to get you set up!