Tax deadline for charitable donations extended

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Join us and go Casual for Covenant House!

On Thursday, November 1, you’re invited to join us in the fight against youth homelessness by dressing Casual for Covenant House!

The Casual Day stickers shown give three options for participation (each sticker quantifies the impact of each donation). Simply contact us and we will send you a Casual Day information package including the number of stickers you require.

If Casual for Covenant House isn’t an option for you on November 1, you are most welcome to participate on any date that works for you. If you’d like to create a different theme (e.g. “dress-up day” or “pajama day”) please do so!

For more information on Casual for Covenant House or if you’d like someone to visit your workplace to speak about Covenant House, please get in touch with:

Mark Savard
Development Officer – Community Giving