Could you give up your bed to help raise funds for vulnerable youth?

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Big thanks to the Zillow Group for supporting at-risk youth!

Zillow Group is collaborating with a local non-profits in each city where they have offices including here in Vancouver. As an online real estate organization, they are very aware of the tremendous need for affordable housing. The Zillow Group reached out to Covenant House Vancouver and invited us into their Vancouver office to discuss our programs and services to learn more about how we work with youth.

After learning about the barriers, youth face on the streets in Vancouver, and how they find support and guidance at Covenant House, Zillow Group donated $15,000 USD to provide services for at-risk and homeless youth, helping them get on their feet and find affordable housing. Teams in Vancouver and Seattle also collected and donated much needed Summer Gift-in-Kind items.

We want to shout from the top of the mountains how incredible the Zillow Group are and we thank them for investing in housing for youth!