A young lady experiences the fun of building her first sandcastle

Recently youth from our long-term residential program Rights of Passage had a fun day out at Stanley Park. These youth had never been to the beaches at Stanley Park so the group decided to explore a number of them. We started at English Bay, eating our picnic and enjoying the view.

The youth were feeling brave so a few of us dipped our toes in the water, gradually getting wet almost to our knees. We then walked to Second Beach and eventually went all the way to Third Beach.

At Third Beach, one of the youth expressed her desire to build a sandcastle because she had never had the opportunity to build one before. We borrowed some sand toys from a family sitting nearby and this youth was able to build her very first sand castle! It was a great day exploring some of the beauty of Vancouver that is just down the road from us.

Shared by Alyssa our Life Skills Coordinator