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Hannah is finally safe…

Some of the young people we care for just need a few meals to help them get through a tough time. Others need longer-term shelter to ensure they don’t have to live their life on the streets. But many arrive at Covenant House because they are escaping from abuse, and have nowhere else to turn.

Sadly, this was the case for a young woman I’ll call Hannah. (Of course, I have changed her name to protect her privacy.) I won’t share all the details of Hannah’s story with you, because they are truly terrible.

Hannah’s mother has mental health and addiction issues, and her father was an alcoholic. Neither of her parents are in her life anymore. But Hannah still bears the emotional scars of her past. You see, both her parents failed to protect her when she was sexually assaulted as a child.  You can imagine that even now, this betrayal leaves Hannah haunted.

After this terrible assault, Hannah’s life became a nightmare. Abuse followed her into her teen years. But despite all of the challenges she faced, Hannah managed to graduate from high school.

But the legacy of abuse and its impact on her mental health and self-esteem derailed Hannah’s plans. They’ve taken a big toll on her, as you can imagine. I’m incredibly grateful that eventually Hannah’s path brought her to Covenant House. Providing a safe space to young women like her is one of our top priorities.

Hannah was afraid to identify her abusers because they had threatened to do even worse to her if she told the police. And while she was certainly safe at Covenant House, it became clear to our team that she would never be safe in Vancouver outside our doors.

I’m glad to tell you that today Hannah is safe. We have been able to move her out of Vancouver, and away from her abusers. She’s feeling safe for the first time in years.

You’ll find the thank you letter which Hannah sent me below. It’s a note that I keep in my office, and which I look at frequently. It really speaks to the power that Covenant House has to change a young person’s life, thanks to donors and supporters like you.

Sister Nancy Brown, S.C., O.B.C.

With Hannah in mind, will you consider making a donation today? You’ll be supporting other young people like her. Please know that even a small gift will make a big difference.