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A random act of kindness at the movie theatre

One evening the female Crisis Program had some tickets donated to go on an outing to the cinema. One particular girl called Shannon was in her bedroom and jumped from the bed with excitement at the chance of going. On route to the cinema, Shannon said she had won a $25 gift card for the movies a few weeks ago but had not used it, as she had no one to go with.

On arriving there we discovered that the movie we picked cost extra as it was in 3D. I explained to the youth that we would not have any extra money left for treats as we needed to put it towards the tickets and all were happy with this. Then very quietly, Shannon asked me if she could use her $25 gift card to buy treats for everyone. I explained this was her choice and not to feel pressured into doing so. She blushed and said she wanted to as she was grateful to have people to go to the cinema with and wanted to share this with everyone. All the youth were so grateful and thanked Shannon for her kindness and generosity.

When Shannon first came to the Covenant House Vancouver, she struggled with her mental health and found it difficult to build relationships. This random act of kindness is an example of how far Shannon has come on her own personal journey.

Shared by Youth Worker Philippa