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Numa brings unconditional love to our Drop-In Centre

Let’s face it. We all need a hug sometimes and at Covenant House Vancouver, Numa is more than willing to oblige. Numa is a St. John’s Ambulance Certified Therapy Dog who accompanies her owner on her shifts in our Drop-In Centre. She offers her fuzzy cuddles and adoring gaze to anyone who needs it (full confession: even some of us staff have fallen prey to her high quality cuddling skills)!

She is a big, brown, bundle of love and demands nothing in return for her service.  She has no expectations, just shows up and does the job that all of us hope to do here at Covenant House – provide unconditional love to someone who needs it.

Recently I popped in to the Drop-In Centre to speak with a staff member and Numa was lying on the floor with her leg and paw flung over a young man. He was sitting on the floor snuggled into her petting her, reading a book and when I spotted them, he gave me a big smile. You could see how happy and comfortable he was and it was a beautiful moment.

Thanks for your service, Numa, and for reminding us that sometimes love is as easy as reaching out your paw.